UNSW Computing calendar of just about everything

at least everything the CSE Student Office knows about - or has access to - and is prepared to maintain)

Let us know if we have missed an important category, or provide comments or suggestions, by emailing Head, Student Services.

Events are listed here in Month format, but you can select Agenda or Week view if you prefer.

There are a lot of calendars included here, and we have created the ones starting with CSE or UNSW. The others have been created elsewhere in the uni but we've added them for your convenience (fees, enrolment, census dates and public holidays). Please send suggestions on any UNSW Computing or UNSW calendars and if we can accommodate your request we will.

Use the pull down menu next to Agenda to see the sub-categories, or to hide things you don't care about. I highly recommend viewing UNSW by Week, or UNSW Academic Calendar, but not both.

Use the Google+ button in the bottom right hand corner of the calendar to add/subscribe to these calendars. Alternatively, if you use a calendar that supports the iCal format you can use the URL displayed at the end of the page instead.


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