Cloud email ervice providers

Cloud computingHow to choose the best Cloud email providers for my needs?
Before doing anything it is really important to decide what exactly to move first to the cloud. In this sense, you need to take so many things into account such as mailboxes, levels of security prior to making that decision.
One of the most essential things which also deserves your attention is the capacity. For the most part, cloud providers allow us to reduce proportionally resources if necessary. On the whole, there are basically 3 categories that these cloud-hosted emails can be divided into, namely: hybrid, all-in and in-parallel module.
The first hybrid version allows us to run some of the email elements into the cloud and data center however in most of the cases mailboxes are stored on-premise in it. In the meantime, you can archive any personal information in the cloud. An important thing is that we are not limited in terms of using only one type of cloud provider. In other words, you can always use and try out other cloud providers and see which one works best for you.
As for the second option, it makes it easier to adopt the hosting email than migrate it especially when we talk about a SaaS service.
The last one option we have is the in-parallel one. So this type of cloud provider allows us to run the services into the cloud and on-premise. And while happening in parallel, users may reach, like, higher level of complexity simply because these two cloud-based systems work in different ways; they are actually based on various platforms.
If you feel like you are facing some hardships when it comes to choosing the proper cloud provider that would be nothing but perfect for your needs, why not take advantage of the following piece of advice? It might turn out to be very helpful to you at the end of the day:
What you should do first is choose such a cloud provider which offers an absolute transparency when it comes to its price. Another thing that you should focus your attention on is related to the functionalities that each option provides.
Examples of great cloud computing email services:
Google Apps:
It is a perfect example of a super reliable and absolutely secure web-based service which is not only designed for small but large businesses, too. The service itself decreases the IT expenses and promotes better collaborations between employees. Google Apps offers an email storage of 25 GB per each employee.
Yahoo Zimbra:
It constitutes more like a new generation service which undoubtedly offers better flexibility and facility regarding files sharing and management as a whole. The Yahoo Zimbra provides better mobility, scalability plus way lower expenses.
What are the Yahoo Zimbra benefits?
If you have ever used it, you certainly know that it is a super useful tool, which possesses not a few advantages. An example of such is the better extensibility and reliability as well as way higher levels of securit.


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