Calkins: Chandler Parsons on health, social life & Griz

Chandler Parsons has been generating headlines for his struggles on the basketball court, his social media posts about #Chancun and his relationships with actress Bella Thorne and reality television star Savannah Chrisley. Thursday, before heading out on a trip to the two cities where he played before arriving in Memphis, Parsons sat down and talked to me about all of that and more:
Q: David Fizdale just said you had a great practice. How did it go?
A: Yeah, there was an emphasis on getting out on the floor and running, Obviously, part of my problem is my knees are sore and it’s been frustrating not feeling like I’m 100 percent and not having the explosiveness, but I think a lot of it is mental. So today I just tried to block a lot of that out and really sprint, really cut, crash the offensive glass, do all those little things that I used to do. I was very productive today. Obviously, I’m not the fastest guy, I’m not the most athletic guy, but I’m smart and I know angles and I work extremely hard so I think if I can just block out the whole knee injury thing in my head and just play, I think it will be much better just like it was today in practice.
Q: Is it more mental? Or is there still a big physical element?
A: I’m physically in pain. I’m well enough to play, obviously, but I’m going to go through soreness. The good thing is I’ve been through this already and it’s nothing I’m not used to. And I know my body better now. But, yeah, I think a lot of it is mental. Nobody wants to play well more than I do. I know a lot of people are getting frustrated and, trust me, they’re not more frustrated than I am. I’m in the gym every single day. The worst part is, when you have surgeries like this, this summer I could work on my body, I could work on my strength, I could work on my conditioning, but I couldn’t really work on my game, so now I’m basically working on my game in NBA games and it’s showing. I’m missing a lot of shots, I’m missing shots that I usually make.
Q: Is it In your head? Last game, after the Memphis fans gave you an exaggerated cheer for hitting a shot, you bowed to them.
A: That was almost, like, sarcastic. If they’re frustrated, multiply that by 100 and that’s how frustrated I am. That was just me trying to be funny.


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