Universities and the levels of learning

Low quality of the teaching in the university is reflected also at the students with low rendiment on the degrees. One example is with students who study for justice, mostly of them can’t even make an formal act of each subject, most of them can’t make a handwriting paper, saying this in other words these students don’t know how to write properly on handwriting .
All of the examples we showed earlier are a product of a bad teaching, but what if these peoples get the right to work in the leadership position? So are these the people who can’t let the society go further and to develop, these are the people who are taking a few steps back our society. Nowadays if you want to have a leadership position is necessary only to have a friend or a family member with power to place you in the job you desire to work. So what about the one who got the diploma with hard work and a lot of studies what is left for them? These are the ones we see unemployed around looking for a different job not the one he studied for .
To change this situation which its roots are from the bad education in schools and universities, its necessary also for our teachers and professors to be qualified and the method of controlling their knowledge needs to be tested time after time, these method puts the barrier against to the low quality of education and chooses wisely and selects the ones who really should be accepted in university and who should teach the students. The best form to chose the teachers in schools and universities is with the credits to make a test and the ones who really pass and fulfill terms and conditions will be able to learn the students, this also gives a big help to chose the right ones and effects at the ones who work without any right at these positions .
Those procedures sent that in universities to be to different methods of choosing the teachers, the first method is by competition hiring and as the public knows hiring with commands, directly with the command from the one who hires the employers. Other factors are that in two last decades the hiring the new professors and teachers is mostly used the family relation, corruption , political view.
And in these cases we have a total failure in teaching and learning the new generation, because an incapable professor makes an entire generation incapable to learn right. Most important for our society to move forward is that we need to make the right choices of the ones who are going to learn the next generation, they should be qualified to know how to raise an generation with culture and discipline .
We have professors in our universities that don’t own even a diploma for the work they are doing. Undoubtedly that in these cases which are not rare, quality of the teaching and learning would be low obviously. This is as a result of a lot of sins, which start from manipulated hiring, not with the documents because this is a job well done not to be discovered by their friends as is in base of their profits .


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