Cloud hosting

Hosting is the storage of a certain type of information which is in the form of text, audio or video files, pictures or banners. All that information is seen by the users of every web site in the Internet and is stored and saved on a server. The web hosting could be divided in two groups – shared hosting and cloud hosting.
The shared hosting offers the opportunity of a private blog. It is perfect for people who want to create a little website where they could write about football, tennis or something that excites them and is their passion. It is also one of the cheapest and most popular hosting among the Internet world.
But if someone has its own business or some kind of activity where a service is bought or sold cloud hosting is the type that should be used. There are a lot of options to do that with examples like you can trust a big company or not so big one but with the needed experience and important clients.
The Cloud hosting operates with its own operating system which operates with the installed and uploaded programs and applications by the users. The users have full access to the operating system and they could install lots of and different software products that can cooperate with the operating system. The cloud servers offer easy to install and configure software. The resources of the machine for cloud hosting like a hard disk, RAM are limited and they are shared in the cluster and every of them has limited access. Despite that cloud hosting is used by almost all small companies in the world. In the cloud server one cloud is created by a couple of independent servers. On every server it could be installed a separate operating system depending on the needs of the users which contains all active applications of a certain user. The settings of the server are maximally optimized for the concrete application and the resources that it can use. It is recommended for the web sites and applications that use optimal settings of the operating system and generate huge server loading.
The main characteristics of the cloud hosting technologies are five – huge amount of resource that is available for every registered user from every point of the world at any time; virtualization that at a high degree uses the hardware; elasticity that gives the opportunity for a dynamic configuration of the costs and passing from high capital expenses to opeCloud Hostingrative ones; automation that gives an opportunity to install, configure and deliver application only through the Internet without the help of the users; measure of consummation – the users pays that much resource that he used.
The saving of huge amount of the resource is so important for the users. With it every user that owns a credit card for example could have the access to a huge pile of resource and pay only for that resource that he used. That is one of the biggest advantages of the cloud hosting and it is shown in the management of the resources.
The virtualization of the resources is one of the most important technologies that allow the usage of the whole hardware and it is so important for the cloud structure.
The elasticity in increasing and decreasing usage is a key concept and generally it shows how much resource was consumed and how much was actually needed.
The automation of the resources is the ability for automatic creating and deleting of virtual machines. The installed applications on the cloud may need to use new additional resources and they could be activated in a few minutes.
The paying only for the usage (also called pay per use) is the way you pay for the hosting. With this characterization the cloud hosting establishes a new way of paying.


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