Cloud Computing White Paper

The cloud computing does not represent a product or a service. It’s not a technology either.
There are a great number and different definitions of cloud computing. There are several of them:
* Cloud computing represents a style of computing in which the IT power is submitted like a service to the users by the help of the Internet technologies.
* Cloud computing is a model which is a kind of provision of convenient web access to a pool, configured by computer sources which could be operational used.
The users of cloud computing decrease their expenses for infrastructure using the elastic in the cloud computing.
There are some characteristics of the cloud computing:
– Self service on demand
The user all alone defines and changes the computing needs. They are server time, the speed of the process of accessing and treatment of the information, the size of the stored data and others.
– Universal admission to the network
The services are always accessible to the user
– Resource pooling
The provider of cloud service unites resources for calculating of big number of clients in a pool which rearranges the power between the users in condition of full change of applications.
– Elasticity
All the services could be shared, changed and developed all the time without a need of a relationship with the provider.
– Report of use
The provider of the service automatically calculates the usage of the resource and on the base of that data they evaluate the submitted IT services that the user used.
There are also different models of realization of the cloud computing:
Private cloud
That is an infrastructure that is made for the usage of one organization that includes a couple of customers or clients for example.
Public cloud
This is an infrastructure that is made for wide public use for everybody. It could be owned by all kind of different organizations.
Hybrid cloud
That is a combination of many and different clouds that are connected with each other.
Community cloud
This is an infrastructure that is made for usage of concrete users or organizations that have something in common. The community cloud could be owned by that organization and user or co-owned with a third side.
Models of services:
The quality of the services depends on the models which help the delivery to the users.
– Software as Service (SaaS)
That is a model in which the user has the opportunity to use an application software which is owned by the provider. The model works in a cloud infrastructure and is accessible from different client devices. The control and management is of course done by the service provider.
– Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
That is a model in which the customer has the access to the whole cloud infrastructure – virtual server, data base and web equipment. The user can control his own operation system and own data base.
There is some criteria on which the cloud computing could be computing
One of the things is the orientation towards business. Another thing is the elastic scalability and last but not least integration of system components.
Nowadays cloud computing is one of the most common and famous things in the IT world. According to different sources the market of the cloud computing in 2009 is about 17 million dollars which is almost 5% of the whole IT’s market.


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