Cloud Solutions

Cloud desktopWhen do we need cloud solutions and which are the best for our business?
Simply by giving answers to several questions, we can find out whether the certain cloud computing service is good for us.
The first thing that needs to be cleared out, so to speak, is the confusion around the whole professional IT term. To many people, it is really a blurry image which needs to be given an apprehensible explanation. So, in this sense, it is not the computing part which seems to kind of distract the people, but the “cloud” thing. What is it? Why is it called that way? Another thing that is still unclear is the line between the costumer-server systems and the cloud or the grid computing and the cloud and so and so forth.
We use cloud computing services when the IT ones are not identified with the final parametres, nor are identified as a server, disc system and the like.
What else we should lay some emphasis on is the net applications, virtual hosting, SaaS systems, etc. On the contrary, when we do use an internal server with such applications which are installed internally, what we have is a conventional costumer-server architecture. And yet, that doesn’t mean that we cannot have internal cloud technologies aka Private Cloud. In this case the cloud computing technologies are used within the business based on the very same principles.
Is the cloud good for us and how does it work?
It is absolutely normal to be asking about that or wondering whether they are a good choice for the small businesses. In this regard, you may even ask if they are the right option for your needs or if we should replace the old traditional internally built systems with the new cloud option – the answer to all of these significant questions cannot just be simple and there is a reason for it. First of all, the cloud constitutes quite a wide concept, which, in some cases, may turn out to be a very good option for some people, but quite an ineffective for others. So it gets clear that even it is about a business system that is of high range, we cannot just look for one solution. One of the most reliable and famous CRM services throughout the whole world, namely, has started as just a web application which was very similar to the software-as-a-service aka SaaS model. And this certainly proves the applicability of CRM technologies in the business industry. With the technology development, including the methodologies, under which ERP decisions are made, the chance is that many opportunities might be opened especially for the small business. However, it is just a tendency that is still in a very early phase.
Apat from that, what else is also of great importance is the type of cloud solution itself and whether it provides enough reliability and security regarding any personal information. Practically, today each company would face some serious problems as well as risks if somehow there happens to be an information leak. When it is stored somewhere in the cloud, it can really get on the businessmen’s nerves. In this sense, you see that the reliability and the safety of any personal information is surely not something to close your eyes to. In fact, even the smallest companies tend to make investments in Massive Raid, which is far way safer and dependable in terms of securing data as well as system maintenance. In this respect, not knowing where the data is stored hides some risks as a whole.


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