How to Balance Work, School & a Social Life in College

"Balance" might be the single concept that guides the success or failure of college students. Many students work and desire to have active social lives during their time in school. The ability to keep a balanced focus and schedule in these three areas usually gives students a better chance to experience success.
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A central ingredient to balance in school is communication. Many employers, especially in prominent college towns, want student workers. They also likely have experience with scheduling around a student's classes and study needs. Communicate upfront that you're a dedicated student and provide your schedule. Discuss with the hiring manager the amount of hours you can reasonably work in a week. Retailers often need students during evenings and weekends, when traditional students often don't have classes.
An attitude of moderation helps you maintain balance as well. Understand your limits in each of these areas and plan accordingly. Some college students can work full-time and still do well with a full academic schedule. If you have to hit the books harder, 15 to 25 hours of work makes more sense. The social component is the one some students struggle with. You can enjoy your college social experience without needing to taste it every night of the week. Late nights and irregular sleep patterns don't contribute to effective school or work performance.
K-12 schools have done more to introduce students to organizational planners and scheduling as of 2013. Keeping a thorough, clear schedule helps you avoid being overwhelmed by school, work and social demands. Along with writing in class times, you need to allocate study time. Colleges often recommend students plan to spend six to nine hours out-of-class on each three-credit course. Write in your work schedule as soon as it's posted. You can then consider how much additional time you have to fit in social activities. This scheduling approach requires some prioritization as well. If you put social activities first, it may become harder to meet school and work commitments.
Get Help
You aren't alone in your efforts to keep balance. Colleges typically provide students a number of resources that can help. Academic support services can help with scheduling, study skills, writing and reading and other coursework to improve the quality and efficiency of your work. Personal counselors are also normally available if you need support and help in establishing and maintaining balance. Work supervisors may also support you if you feel stressed about meeting work commitments. Let friends know your need to balance and establish social boundaries with roommates and peers and stick to them.
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