Hosted Cloud Computing

Explore the cloud computing, cloud hosting and cloud technology
Have you ever used cloud services? What exactly do you know about them?
If you know nothing about them, then why not google the word “cloud” and see what happens?
In truth, when looking up the word in the internet, you will surely come across nothing but an immense pages and articles covering almost everything that is more or less related to that “cloud” thing. So, basically this is the today’s situation with it. But if you turn the clock back and search for the same word, you will surely run across atmosphere-related topics and generally things like that.
The IT sphere uses this same word in order to be able to give a proper definition to the internet.
The cloud technology providers offer numberless services and models starting from saas, iaas, hybrid, public versions and so on and so forth.
Why is the cloud technology so good?
Put shortly, that quite famous and very useful service gives us an extremely easy access to shared resources. That technology itself is actually a model, providing super easy access to lots of things varying from servers to different sort of software applications.
During the last few years the cloud technology have become a very discussed topic not only by IT professionals but by almost every other business company.
So all of the files are stored in massive data centers, holding a great deal of servers along with special storage systems, compatible with almost each computer software. When you want to get access to your personal information, all you have to do is just connect the device you are using to the cloud. The cloud technology itself possesses a whole lot of advantages. First off, users don’t have to purchase or maintain pricey servers or data storage systems. More than 80 % of all the enterprises claim that their expenses have been drastically reduced after using the cloud. Aside from that, the hosted cloud computing as a whole has saved them much more office space.
Types of clouds:
There are actually many types of clouds, the most famous of which are the private, or also known as internal infrastructure, the public and the hybrid ones, the latter of which is basically a combination between the two types.
All of the three cloud options have their advantages and disadvantages, of course. For instance, the private cloud is more like designed for single organizations which actually means that this infrastructure cannot be shared with other users or organizations for that matter.
Many people kind of underestimate the public cloud because they think that it offers unsufficient levels of security and versatility as well which is not even closer to whatCloud Computing picture it actually offers. The term “public” does not mean that the personal data of a user will be put on display. The public cloud gives us the opportunity to use the cloud technology but don’t grant us access to anyone’s private information.
And the third cloud model, namely the hybrid option, constitutes a kind of a combination between the public and private one.
The third option allows to host extremely important applications in the private cloud, while these applications, which have kind of lower requirements towards security levels and accessibility, can be used in the public one.
Community cloud:
That community cloud is such an infrastructure that is shared and built by several organizations, while also sharing common interests such as safety, compatibility requirements and many others.
Compared to the private and public one, this type of cloud offers much higher privacy, security and compatibility as well.
Cloud of clouds:
This quite an interesting type of cloud is an internal cloud which consists of a network of cloud structures that is built on the basis of open standards and basically provides a specific environment for the cloud technology.


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