Free Cloud Storage

The one thing that we all share is the need to have a real-time access to our personal information such as different kind of audio or video files, images, presentations and so on and so forth. There are many free cloud storage options that are waiting for us. In order to make your choice easier in terms of picking the right cloud platform for your goals and needs, I have prepared for you a rundown on practically the best free cloud storage platforms, which, in my opinion, will absolutely work best for you. Some of them share very common characteristics, but what you should focus your attention on is the free space which they all provide for online data storage. There are also to be found some paid versions, but let’s not take your attention off of the free ones. Even if you choose to use the ones you are about to find out in a second, you will provide yourself with much more gigabytes without having to pay anything for that.
Dropbox platforms:
I chose to start with this type of platform just because I find it super useful plus it is my personal favorite. What it offers is a desktop synchronization plus an online collaboration. The software is designed for all operating systems and the connection is protected by SSL. Besides, you can share files offline and online without any problem.
This platform is also perfect for web hosting although it provides only 2 GB. Plus you cannot upload files that are beyond 300 MB.
Google Drive:
Everyone has a Google account and has been probably using this absolutely wonderful and excellent tool for ages. It offers web embedding, synchronizations plus offline access to your personal information. Apart from that, it also provides high-quality preview of vector files so if you don’t work as a designer but still have to check out such formats, there is no need to install either Adobe illustrator or Correl Draw.
OneDrive or previously known as SkyDrive:
If you have a Microsoft account, you may also have a 7 GB online storage. Not only is the SkyDrive or OneDrive option accessible for all mobile platforms such Free Cloud Storageas Android and iOs but also for Windows, Xbox and many more as well. As for the online and offline options for synchronizations, files sharing, co-working, collaboration or connection security, the application works perfectly.
Not only is the Box platform launched as an online storage application, but also as such a business tool that works perfectly for small businesses. It also gives the opportunity for document creation and makes the whole process of files or folder sharing far way easier. The connection itself is encrypted. Besides, the mobile applications especially for Android or Windows work without any problem. There is, however, one downside considering the fact that the desktop synchronization is offered only for paid accounts. When having a free one, you get 10 MB storage and a limit of 250 MB per each file.


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